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Monday, Dec. 04, 2017 - 11:56 P.M.

This divorce process is a pain. I've known for quite some time that we weren't going to work out, and that we've had our problems. I hate being lied to, and I hate being blind-sided.

I can't believe that he's such an idiot. WHO gets engaged to another person while they're still married? Apparently, my soon-to-be-ex-husband. And who is this chick that's like, "Yeah, even though you're still married, let's get engaged?"

My life could be made into a soap opera all because of one ridiculous man. I didn't know that I was living a lie.

So, I've been treading water, taking care of the day to day, my job and my little ones. I barely have money for shoes and these kids have these gaping holes in their shoes! Dime-sized, quarter-sized...I tell their prick dad about it and he says, "They need to learn not to put holes in their shoes; I don't wanna keep buying them shoes." Um...yah, they're like three and six... They're kids.

Meanwhile, he's sitting in a luxury apartment. 785 square feet starting at $2,000. We--are living from paycheck to paycheck. He doesn't want to have anything to do with the kids because he found this chick...and moved away to forget his past that he forged with scars.

So, my intuition is in high gear tonight...I was looking online wanting to return something to Amazon when I though, I haven't heard from him in about three weeks, and this sh**head can't even have the decency to say "hi" when he calls his kids to talk. My whole thing is at the very least, he can be civil and mannered. But no... And sooo I type in her name and then his name...

AND Find them on THE KNOT. The KNOT!! What kind of an idiot does that?! WHO DOES THAT? We haven't even filled out divorce papers.

Anyhooo...I'm going to see a lawyer.

I'm just tired...tired of it all...Tired of not being able to get the kids at least one meal out a month...Tired of not having enough money to buy them shoes...

He's never been fair to me and takes me for a fool, but he cannot forget his kids and hang them out to dry.

I've never met anyone so selfish.


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